Pioneer between fiber optics and DOCSIS |

20 Years FTTx experience
Based in S. Antonino in Southern Switzerland, EMC Electronic Media Communication SA was founded in 1997 following a management buy-out from the Swiss cable company Coelco.
Main business focus is to provide system solutions to enhance a DOCSIS based “step by step” evolution of a HFC Network in combination with Fiber.
With 20 Years FTTx experience, specific know-how and proprietary solutions, EMC offers a wide range of standard and innovative systems, such as DOCSIS over Fiber with OBI safe® and OBI free® technology, successfully established because of its reliability.
Bringing fber optic networks closer to the fnal customer makes it easier to migrate to the 1.2 GHz bandwidths DOCSIS 3.1.
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Check your knowledge on OMI adjustment of the optical link |

Each Return path optical link must be tuned to have the right operating point. The goal is to adjust the OMI (Optical Modulation Index) to avoid excess of noise or excess of intermodulation.
RFoG Testing by Europe’s “TOP REFERENCE” |
RFoG “OBI safe” by EMC Looking for highest competences in Docsis Technology, we contacted one of Europe's most competent Test Labs in Belgium called “Excentis”, that certifies cable modem and CMTS equipment for "Cable Europe“.
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Ragnatsch mit neuem Speed ! / Pilotprojekt FTTB/H |
Das Ragnatscher Glasfaserprojekt vom Kabelfernsehnetz des EW-Mels ist auf gutem Weg. Nachdem im letzten Jahr mit der Erschliessungsplanung des Gebietes Ragnatsch durch das EW-Mels begonnen wurde, konnte nun Ende Juli der erste Meilenstein erfolg- reich erreicht werden. ...more |
Next Generation HFC Equipment / RFoG “OBI safe” by EMC |
Um in Zukunft beste Signalqualität und einen hohen QoS zu gewährleisten, muss man mit zunehmenden Qualitätsanforderungen rechnen. Mit DOCSIS 3.1 wird zwar die„Bandkapazität“ wesentlich gesteigert, jedoch auch die „Rauschempfindlichkeit“. ...more |